Being Thankful…
by on November 28, 2013 in Uncategorized

There’s so much for us to be thankful for this year. It’s been such a wonderful ride so far, and we have so much more to accomplish. I need to say thank you to my brothers Jose Sarduy & Tom Irwin for the amazing journey and what we’ve accomplished this year. Thank you to Rodman Schley, Cayce Brown, Kat Kowal, Frank Ishizaki, Rob Hume, Anton Fresco, Travis Loving and the crew at 9-Ball Studios for the friendship and for believing in our mission. Gina Marinelli, Nikki Styliades, and Josh Beck, who are now a part of my 99 Echo family, for the hard work and knowing that the job isn’t done yet. Paul DeWald, Ken Giangreco, Dave Ross, Pat Trinkley, all the students and administration at Buffalo State College for letting us and taking part in the wonderful project that we made happen this year. All of our fans for supporting us these last three years. Our families and loved ones for dealing with the time away and the endless weeks and months of touring and production. And of course to our brothers and sisters in uniform for continuing to defend this great Nation of ours. We do this work for you.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy your families and loved ones, and don’t forget to be thankful for them everyday.

Thom Tran
SSG (R) – US Army, Airborne – All The Way
Creator | Executive Producer: The GIs of Comedy