We’ll be performing a special show at Temple University in Owl Cove at Mitten Hall on Saturday October 4th, in
The Los Angeles Film School has always been a big supporter of The GIs of Comedy, so we’re happy to
We had another great time performing at the Army Ball in June and now we’re excited to announce that we’ll
It’s Official! We’re going back on the road for Armed Forces Entertainment! Watch the official announcement above!
We had another fantastic time at the AUSA-GLAC Army Ball last weekend! Thank you for once again asking us to
Apparently telling jokes about Buzz Aldrin TO HIS FACE at last year’s AUSA Army Ball wasn’t such a bad thing
Because of circumstances beyond our control, our performance in Dallas-Ft. Worth has been cancelled. Our apologizes for the inconvenience.
And that’s a wrap on our first international tour for Armed Forces Entertainment! It was 10 days, with stops in
We’ll be performing at a benefit this Saturday at the American Legion Post in Hollywood to help raise money for
We’re 3 days into 2014 and already have some GREAT news! We’ve announced our FIRST EVER INTERNATIONAL tour for Armed